Sunday, 25 September 2011

High Noon Festival

One thing that we always look forward to is Spring... then Summer and the Festivals that come with the change in season.  First cab off the rank is the Northcote High Street Festival, renamed and refocused this year to have a more 'family friendly' atmosphere... 

The High Street is closed off to traffic and trams,  the local bars and cafes set up stalls along the street, and there are stages at different locations along the street.

So out come the fedoras and straw hats, the high waisted jeans and short denim shorts, and the brogues or ankle boots - the fashion of the day for these trendy folk!  Shame no-one actually has a tan yet and the legs on display are bright white! 

It is the ultimate people watching fest, where street performers mix it up with families and strollers, and everyone has that bright happy feeling, the anticipation of warmer weather and plenty more outings in the sun. 

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